Saturday, December 27, 2014

Davis & Andrew's birthday party

Usually we travel for the boys' birthdays since it always falls on a three day weekend, but this year they decided on a joint birthday party at HiWire trampoline park.  Each boy invited 3 friends and Aubrey invited 1.  After the park, we came home for pizza, doughnuts, and a sleepover.  Rick and I were thankful we survived!

The girls jumping.

Rick and Andrew


Aubrey jumping into the pit.

Rick in the pit.

Avery helping Andrew out.

Andrew not helping Adam.  Ha!

Adam, Andrew, & Logan.

Adam, Logan, Andrew, & Matthew.

Aubrey & Mia

Cookie cake!


The birthday boys.

Avery, Davis, & Connor

Enjoying the peace & quiet the next afternoon.

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