Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Cookie Decorating Party

The Second Annual Cookie Decorating Party was this past week.  The party was a little bit larger this year and so much fun!  We are so blessed with such amazing friends!

Our Elf on the Shelf, Rosetta, decided to decorate her own cookie.

Tatum & Kendall

Prezlee & Aubrey

With Prezlee & her mom, Kasey.

Lyla Kate, Aubrey, & Prezlee working hard.

Matthew & Andrew

Silly faces!


Sweet boy!

The girls did an awesome job!

Love the look on Tatum's face!


The little girls did great, too!

Eating is still the best part.

Table full of yummy stuff.

Davis is cracking me up!

Proud teenage boys!

They enjoyed theirs, too.

The big kids after a sugar crash.

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