Friday, December 26, 2014

Aubrey's 6th Birthday

This year Aubrey was all about Care Bears (well, she still is) and roller skating so that's  what we did for her birthday party.  That girl loves to skate!  Even her brothers got into it!  We all skated and Mommy only fell once!  Davis came home from church camp on the day of her party and he met us there.  I was very happy to see my boy!  While he was gone, Andrew and I redid his room in Gamecock.  He was definitely surprised and THRILLED!

The cake.  I was rather pleased with myself.  

Andrew "kinda" enjoyed skating.

 Aubrey's friend, Reagan, and her mom.

The practice area.

Tired and happy family.


Brothers happy to be reunited after a week.

They DO love each other!  :)

Happy to see my sweet camper.


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