Friday, April 25, 2014

Pelting the Principals

In case I haven't mentioned it, we absolutely LOVE Davis' school this year. It's an all 6th grade school and it's run incredibly well. We're going to miss it.  We are so proud of Davis, he will be taking Honors History when he heads to Dutch Fork Middle School in the fall.  Today, as a reward for having such an awesome fund raiser, the students were able to throw water balloons at the principal and 3 assistant principals.  It was hilarious and so much fun!  Davis got the assistant principal he wanted, Mrs. Vogel.  She's the one in charge of all the discipline.  All the students went after her.  The principals were great sports and wore water wings, floaties, and life jackets as part of the fun.  We will miss you, Crossroads Middle School!

Mrs. Vogel and Mr. Hutchinson (he's the Principal).

Ready for action!

Taunting the students.



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