Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Aubrey being Aubrey

Being the little sister of two big brothers isn't always easy but we think Aubrey has adjusted pretty well over the years.  She's fiercely independent, incredibly stubborn, and extremely determined not to be left behind.  We love our baby girl!  Here's a look at what she's been up to lately...

Yes, she is standing on a stool to get something out of the refrigerator.  She decided I was taking too long and she got her own snack.

Following in big brother Davis' footsteps, she's been taking karate every Saturday morning.

She loves it!  She earned her first belt 2 weeks ago.

Aubrey's job from Davis' tennis coach is to pick up the tennis balls.  She LOVES it!  Andrew picked up all of 4 tennis balls and said he was "exhausted."

Working hard.

She has been wanting Rick to take her training wheels off of her bike for months now!

She doesn't know that he's not holding on.

There she goes...

...all by herself!

Her "Care Bear Recycle Project."  She and the boys did this all by themselves while I was at a meeting at school.

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