Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Funny notes, fishing, Field Day, and a funeral.

Andrew is my heart.  He is such a sweet, sensitive soul.  He loves to do 2 things, create art at home and go fishing.  He's not a big fan of physical activity but he does (sometimes) like to be outside.  He enjoyed Field Day, but it left him, "exhausted."  He's also busted his big brother for not studying, caught some tadpoles but then had to bury them, and even went fishing with his sister.  Take a peek inside the world of Andrew:

This cracked us up!  Even Davis had to laugh.  Guess this is what little brothers are for.  In case you can't tell, it says, "News!  Davis is not studying"

Letting Aubrey have a turn.

She's looking...

Andrew's turn.

Teaching her how to put bait the hook.

It was too cold for any fish but they had a great time anyway.

It was a sad day for everyone when Andrew's tadpoles died.  He cried and cried.  It even made Davis tear up.  

He decided his big tadpole, Tyler, needed a proper funeral.

Finding the perfect spot.

He even made a tombstone which reads, "2014 Tyler the Tadpole."

Frisbee toss at Field Day.

He did pretty well.

Cup stacking.  This might have been his favorite.

The plunger race.  He thought this one was hilarious!


If he would do it more often, he's a really fast runner!

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