Friday, April 25, 2014

Pelting the Principals

In case I haven't mentioned it, we absolutely LOVE Davis' school this year. It's an all 6th grade school and it's run incredibly well. We're going to miss it.  We are so proud of Davis, he will be taking Honors History when he heads to Dutch Fork Middle School in the fall.  Today, as a reward for having such an awesome fund raiser, the students were able to throw water balloons at the principal and 3 assistant principals.  It was hilarious and so much fun!  Davis got the assistant principal he wanted, Mrs. Vogel.  She's the one in charge of all the discipline.  All the students went after her.  The principals were great sports and wore water wings, floaties, and life jackets as part of the fun.  We will miss you, Crossroads Middle School!

Mrs. Vogel and Mr. Hutchinson (he's the Principal).

Ready for action!

Taunting the students.



Spring Break 2014

Our kids are travelers and museum lovers so we go on those type of vacations for Spring Break and fall Break and even in the summer.  We are completely amazed they haven't even asked to go to Disney World.  Andrew has been dying to go see Sue, the first complete T-Rex skeleton ever found.  Sue is at the Field Museum in Chicago so that's where we went.  Andrew & Aubrey took their first plane ride, and since Davis was only about 2 when he rode on a plane, it was kind of like his first time, too.   They were all troopers and amazing little travelers.  They were perfectly behaved in the airports, on the plane, in the big city, and rode all the subways, trains, and taxis like pros.  The weather was cold and snowy but it didn't slow us down.  We toured the Field Museum, Aquarium, and Museum of Science and Industry.  It was an awesome Spring Break with some pretty awesome kids!

Ready for take off!

The boys were excited!

Aubrey's stuffed animals apparently liked riding on the tray table.

Enjoying the ride.

Best burgers ever at M Burger!

It was a teeny tiny place but we didn't care, we were starving!

First stop- Sue!!!

He was completely in awe!

Sue is pretty big.

Sue's real head, it's too heavy to fit on the actual skeleton.

Making music together.

Aubrey found a friend just her size.

The walls with the eyes were a little creepy.

The eyes were watching us!

Building Sue.

Checking out an exhibit on music.

Pumping blood to a giraffe's brain.

She was mesmerized.


... LOTS of snow!

So pretty!

More of the city.

Davis loved looking at the lake.

Bundled up!

Riding the subway.

Lots of tall buildings.  They were fascinated.  I didn't think Columbia was that small!

Looking for the aquarium.

They weren't used to having to cross the street so quickly, either.

Ready for a 4D movie.  

Aubrey thought this corral was beautiful.

We loved the teeny tiny blue fish.

Museum of Science & Industry: Lots of being silly...

...Rick & I even got in on it...


...last one!

Andrew actually asked to have his picture taken in front of the leopard.

It took about 50 tries to get this action shot of Davis "jumping" onto the train.

Working on the submarine.

Davis in the Navy.

Andrew fell in love with the U 505.

Reading the cartoons to Aubrey.

Driving the tractor- Grandpa should be proud!

More of these...

...they LOVED these...


Aubrey on the periscope.

Relaxing in one of the bunks on the submarine.

Making the balloons float.

Creating a vortex.

Aubrey's turn.

The tornado was a little too real for me.

Creating an avalanche.

Not sure what they're doing.

It was so cold, but pretty!

My little climber.

You can't really tell, but that's Aubrey's face projected on the mannequin's head.

Checking out the train.

So cool!