Sunday, December 28, 2014


It was the perfect Christmas with both sets of grandparents being able to join us, along with the Elston family who have been coming for 6 years now.  Hope everyone has a wonderful 2015!

Gifts ready to open.

Andrew was driving us crazy to open this one first!

Thankfully it had exactly what he wanted in it.

Davis and his dartboard.

No worries, it's the magnetic kind.

Aquabot shark tank.

Good Luck Bear & a "big girl gymnastics bag."

Getting ready to put out carrots for the reindeer.

Somehow Good Luck Bear made it in all of the pictures.

Milk & Cookies for Santa.

Christmas selfies!

There's Good Luck again...

...and again, with Nana.

Andrew, Aubrey, Nikki, & Annette.

Pa, Grandpa, Leslie, Rick, Morgan, & Tim.

The other side with Davis, Nana, & Grandma.

Lunch with Nana the day after Christmas.

Window seat

I have an amazingly talented father in law!  He has already built a beautiful mud locker & desk for me.  This year I asked for a window seat in my kitchen and he did an outstanding job.  It's gorgeous and I love it!  My super talented and crafty mother in law made the cushion.  The whole thing is just perfect!

Getting started.

Rick didn't quite fit, so...

...we asked the 13 year old...

...who fit perfectly and enjoyed playing with the power tools.

The two grandmas putting together the cushion.

Dick sitting on his masterpiece.

Thankful for his hard work.

The cushion!  I guess we must have hit the picture above us.

Done and beautiful!

Aubrey enjoying it.

Looking forward to lots more sweet moments like this.

Christmas Cookie Decorating Party

The Second Annual Cookie Decorating Party was this past week.  The party was a little bit larger this year and so much fun!  We are so blessed with such amazing friends!

Our Elf on the Shelf, Rosetta, decided to decorate her own cookie.

Tatum & Kendall

Prezlee & Aubrey

With Prezlee & her mom, Kasey.

Lyla Kate, Aubrey, & Prezlee working hard.

Matthew & Andrew

Silly faces!


Sweet boy!

The girls did an awesome job!

Love the look on Tatum's face!


The little girls did great, too!

Eating is still the best part.

Table full of yummy stuff.

Davis is cracking me up!

Proud teenage boys!

They enjoyed theirs, too.

The big kids after a sugar crash.