Sunday, October 27, 2013

Trunk or Treat

This year, our church held a Trunk or Treat.  It was cold but fun.  Davis was supposed to be in a Duck Dynasty trio with his buddies but they all ended up just being camo-wearing guys.  Andrew was Spider-Man and Aubrey was Wonder Woman.  While we were waiting for it to get dark, the kids painted gourds and played outside.  Aubrey has been working hard on crossing the monkey bars all by herself and last night she finally achieved her goal... then she fell but she didn't get too hurt and she was ready to go again.  Everybody got plenty of yummy candy and Davis even got to stay a little later to play games with his friends.  We love Halloween!

All ready.  It was a little bright, though.

Our trunk.  It looked better in the dark with a little strobe light.  Most of the decorations belong to Andrew.

Aubrey, Joshua, & Patrick.

Love these sweet trunk or treaters!

My sweet friend, Emily.

Our extremely cool friend with a very awesome life, Laura. 

Laura's trunk- they are real FBI agents.  See?  Very awesome life.

Aubrey going across on the monkey bars.

Wonder Woman painting her gourd.

Davis' gourd.  Such a great idea!

Spider-Man trunk or treating.  How does he eat it?

Oh!  That's how he does it, he takes the mask off.  Enjoying come candy in the warmth of the car.

Not exactly sure what to say about this picture.  3 camo guys & a wolf.

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