Friday, October 11, 2013


It's finally here!!!  We've been getting ready for weeks!  They did great!  Both Andrew and Aubrey ran over 25 laps.  Andrew hurt his foot so he had to walk part of the way but Aubrey was determined and went as fast as her little legs could carry her.  Did I mention it was only 50 degrees outside when they ran?  It was cold but they were troopers!  I was a part of a great team and we worked very hard for the past 3 weeks.  It was worth it but I'm glad it's over!

Rings' Round-Up (Andrew is the 4th from the left).

Sweet girl ready to run.

Back of Andrew's shirt.  The teacher marks off a number each time the student completes a lap.

Two of my great friends & team members, Frances & Barbara.  I love them!!

Getting ready to run!

Aaaand they're off!  It was a little bright so Andrew is shielding his eyes.  The first lap was just a walk.

Check out the hair!!

Here he comes (3rd from the left with the jeans).

Aubrey waving as she gets ready to run by.  You may have to click on the picture to see her, the sun was right on her.

All done!  She did great!

Happy to be done!!  We had to take this super quick because they were getting to walk off the field.

Aubrey & our neighbor, Hayden.

Last picture of Mrs. Rings class.  I'm the room mom so I have more pictures of Andrew's class.

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