Friday, October 11, 2013

Andrew's 7th birthday

In the midst of all the Boosterthon craziness yesterday, Andrew turned 7.  I can't believe he's 7!!  We started the day with a candle in his muffin (a tradition my mother started with me when I was little), went to school to run in Boosterthon, had cupcakes with his class (which met the silly nutritional guidelines), and ended with a Spider-Man cake he shared with Davis.  Happy Birthday to my sweet, smart boy!

Candle in the muffin...

...making a wish...

...blowing it out.

Wearing the birthday crown.  

Cupcakes with his class.

Thankful to be able to celebrate with him.

Sharing his new Legos he got that morning.

My Spider-Man cake.

Aubrey didn't want the Spider-Man cake so she made the leftovers into...

...a heavily iced castle.

My birthday boys!  I was so excited they wanted to share a cake this year!

Can't leave Aubrey out!

Blowing out their candles.

Yummm.  Ha!

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