Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Aubrey's field trip to the farm

One of the benefits of having 2 children back to back in school, I get to do the fun field trips twice.  Today I got to go to Country Adventures Farm with Aubrey's Kindergarten class.  It is one of the best field trips!  We took 2 different hayrides, picked a pumpkin, pet some farm animals, and have a picnic.  Aubrey's favorite part was brushing the donkey.  Her least favorite part was the picnic because the bees are everywhere.  It was a gorgeous fall day, the perfect day to go to the farm.

Waiting to load the bus.

Great group of sweet friends!

My group- Aubrey & Maddie.

They were just a little excited.

Love these sweet girls.

Nugget, the pig.

She loved the bunny.

We took this one just for Nana.

Brushing the donkey.

She really didn't want to give anyone else a turn.

Girls in the front...

...boys in the front.

We love Mrs. Cook!

Such an awesome class!

Aubrey and Hayden.

Showing Mrs. Cook her pumpkin.

Checking out all the little pumpkins.


Being silly with Shannon.

Time to go back.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday lunch with friends

We have been so blessed lately with several new families at church who have children mostly the same ages as ours.  Today we all went to lunch together and took over the patio at Bellacino's.  It was great to have our  children sitting with other children and we didn't have to worry about them, we could just sit with our friends and have a great time.

The girl table (plus Joshua).

The boy table (plus Rosie).

Trunk or Treat

This year, our church held a Trunk or Treat.  It was cold but fun.  Davis was supposed to be in a Duck Dynasty trio with his buddies but they all ended up just being camo-wearing guys.  Andrew was Spider-Man and Aubrey was Wonder Woman.  While we were waiting for it to get dark, the kids painted gourds and played outside.  Aubrey has been working hard on crossing the monkey bars all by herself and last night she finally achieved her goal... then she fell but she didn't get too hurt and she was ready to go again.  Everybody got plenty of yummy candy and Davis even got to stay a little later to play games with his friends.  We love Halloween!

All ready.  It was a little bright, though.

Our trunk.  It looked better in the dark with a little strobe light.  Most of the decorations belong to Andrew.

Aubrey, Joshua, & Patrick.

Love these sweet trunk or treaters!

My sweet friend, Emily.

Our extremely cool friend with a very awesome life, Laura. 

Laura's trunk- they are real FBI agents.  See?  Very awesome life.

Aubrey going across on the monkey bars.

Wonder Woman painting her gourd.

Davis' gourd.  Such a great idea!

Spider-Man trunk or treating.  How does he eat it?

Oh!  That's how he does it, he takes the mask off.  Enjoying come candy in the warmth of the car.

Not exactly sure what to say about this picture.  3 camo guys & a wolf.

Play dates at the park

Thursday was early dismissal for my 2 little ones (Davis is bummed this year that he's in a new school and doesn't get early dismissal anymore) so we headed to the park with some new friends.  Both Aubrey & Andrew have really sweet new best friends, Lyla Kate & Matthew, and their moms are just as wonderful.  It was a very fun afternoon!

We wish we knew what they were talking about.

Aubrey somehow managed to get herself in a baby swing so Lyla Kate decided to push her.

True friendship...

...helping a friend with the monkey bars.

Matthew & Andrew

Lyla Kate & Aubrey

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ladies retreat

What an awesome weekend and a much needed getaway!  This weekend was our Ladies Retreat in Isle of Palms, SC.  It was absolutely beautiful!  We stayed at a gorgeous beach house and ate lots of yummy food.  Thank to my awesome husband for letting me get a way for an entire weekend.  He earns tons of brownie points for taking the kids to Kohl's, the grocery store, and carving pumpkins.

One of absolute best friends, Emily.

Laura & Melissa

Standing on the deck with Laura and Emily.

The house we stayed in.


Aubrey's new nightgown.

Pumpkins they all carved while I was gone.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Atlanta 2013

I love that my children prefer fun family trips over big birthday parties.  Don't get me wrong, we've done our share of parties and they are fun.  I do love to decorate and I LOVE baking their cakes, but trips are great and seeing new experiences through their eyes never gets old.  This year for their birthdays, the boys chose to go to Atlanta to the World of Coca Cola and the Georgia Aquarium.  We also threw in the zoo.  Aubrey, of course, benefits from all of this.  We arrived on Saturday and headed straight to the zoo.  Atlanta really does have an awesome zoo!  There are tons of shaded paths, giant pandas, lions, tigers, elephants up close... and the weather could not have been more perfect!  On Sunday, we took our children on their very first subway ride on Atlanta's Marta.  I'm not sure which they loved more, the shuttle ride to the Marta station or the actual Marta itself.  Aubrey thought it was awesome not being in a booster seat!  Our first stop was to the World of Coca Cola where we took a tour back in time to see how the first coke was made, how it's bottled, and into the vault where the secret formula is hidden.  They never tell you the secret formula, but it is fun to go see the vault.  At the end, there is a huge room with coke flavors from all over the world.  You get a little cup and go around from fountain to fountain, sampling as many as you want.  Some were awesome, some were terrible (Africa and Europe weren't so great).  Talk about a sugar rush!  We all got to take home our own glass bottle.  From their, we walked next door to the absolute highlight of our trip, the Georgia Aquarium.  It was amazing!!!!  Just to see the Whale Shark made the trip worthwhile.  Andrew was in heaven!  We saw Beluga Whales, Rays, Eels, sharks, dolphins, and really cute baby Otters.  We were there for almost 4 hours!  There was a Dolphin show at the very end that was incredible, too.  It was the perfect weekend.  Next year they are campaigning to go to Disney World.  We'll see.  Davis will be 13, after all...

The baby rhino was adorable!  It kept running to catch up with the mommy.

Hanging out in a giant statue of a bird's nest.  Aubrey was pretending to be a baby bird.

Aubrey insisted I take her picture on this statue.  There were new baby gorillas in this exhibit.

Giant Panda, Aubrey's favorite.  She bought a little stuffed one.

Andrew's favorite, the Komodo Dragon.  Our zoo has one, too, but it's nowhere near this big...yet.

Tunnel in the Naked Mole Rat exhibit.  This is the only picture I was willing to take in there.  Yuck!!

My sweet babies.  I really do love vacations with them.

China exhibit, where Aubrey bought her panda.

Davis took this on the shuttle to the Marta station.  He does a good job!

First Marta ride!  They were so excited!

First stop- World of Coca Cola!

Coca Cola signs from all over.

Old fashioned soda shoppe.

The vault that holds the secret formula!!!

The Coca Cola Polar Bear!!

Not sure if he liked this sample or not.

Decisions, decisions...

...this one!  We all liked the ones from Latin America.

Drinking the "Real Thing" after they had tasted all the rest.

Next stop, the Georgia Aquarium, with the giant Whale Sharks.  There were 4 in all.

Beautiful, amazing creatures, along with a giant Manta Ray.

I loved the giant Jellyfish.

Gorgeous Beluga.

Going through the tunnel in the penguin exhibit...

...there was a little boy who kept trying to to backwards, but Aubrey set him straight (did you have any doubt?).

Waiting to touch the Mantas...

...everybody managed to touch one.  This was Andrew's first time since he's always been scared to, which is crazy since he loves them the most.

Touching the Sea Anemone.

Tropical fish. They were beautiful!  Andrew's Whale Shark needed to swim along with them.

Being silly.

Albino Alligator.  Andrew was fascinated!!  At this moment, the other one started swimming towards the glass.

Resting at the end of a very long day.