Monday, December 17, 2012

Monkey Joe's

Aubrey has been driving us all crazy begging to go to Monkey Joe's (a bounce house) for some time now so I promised her we could go on the first day of Christmas break.  She's been counting down the days and she woke up so excited this morning.  She even told Rick she was sorry he had to work because he would miss it!  We ended up taking Sean, Andrew's friend, with us and met up with our neighbors, Shannon, Little Davis, & Hayden.  They were sweaty and tired but they had so much fun!

Up goes Davis!

Aubrey was already at the top waiting for him.

Aubrey & Davis waving at me from the top.

Davis at the bottom.

Aubrey LOVES to jump!

Andrew, Sean, Davis, & Aubrey at the bottom of an obstacle course.

Hayden, Aubrey, & Little Davis in the photo booth.

Playing arcade games.

Aubrey loved Whack-A-Mole the best.

Hot & sweaty but they had a blast!!!

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