Friday, December 14, 2012

Aubrey's Christmas Program

I think we could all use a little something to lighten the mood after today's tragic events in Connecticut.  I definitely hugged all my children a little tighter tonight.

Today was Aubrey's preschool Christmas program.  She was so excited and did an excellent job.  She even had a line (the first line) and her name was in the program.  It was a little bittersweet knowing this is her last Christmas program in preschool but I'm not going to dwell on that tonight!  :)  After her program and snack, we headed over to the boys' school to have lunch with both Davis and Andrew.  They both paraded her around like royalty.  I love how much they love each other!

Walking in.

Singing on the front row!  No, she's really not that short but that boy next to her really is that big!

Reciting her line.

Enjoying her treat!

So proud of my sweet girl!

Daddy's girl!

Lunch part one with Davis.

Headed to lunch part 2 with Andrew and he is apparently telling her something!

They were so cute holding hands.

So sweet!  

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