Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lights at the Zoo 2012

This year was probably the best we've had at Lights at the Zoo.  The weather cooperated (it was only 55 as opposed to 35 or lower like in years past), there wasn't a huge crowd, and all of our children can walk the whole thing instead of being carried or pushed in a stroller.  The best parts continue to be the hot chocolate (my favorite) and roasting (or burning to a crisp) marshmallows.  Some of the pictures are blurry and we don't really know why.  Could be the camera, could be user error.  :)  We don't know.  Happy Holidays anyway!

The annual Mommy-makes-us-stand-in-front-of-the-car-before-we-can-go-in picture.

Aubrey & I liked the green lights, Andrew just wanted to be in the picture.

It was beautiful!

Andrew and the snapping crocodile.

Standing under the fake snow.

Aubrey & Rick liked the candy canes.

Davis and I have the tradition of taking our picture in front of this tree where the lights are set to music.

Getting ready to roast her marshmallows.

Andrew liked his a little crispy...

...apparently Aubrey did, too.

However, Andrew only liked the eat the ones NOT toasted.

Davis' turn!


Aubrey only liked to roast hers, not eat them. She gave them to Rick, who did enjoy them!

They have the absolute BEST hot chocolate!

Last picture before going home.  By this time, Aubrey was done and didn't want to take anymore pictures.  She was asleep before we even left the parking lot.

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