Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summer 2012 Tennessee fun!

Summer is officially here and it is officially hot!  However, we found plenty of ways to stay cool while in Tennessee for a couple of weeks.  Rick, ever the amazing husband and father, took all 3 kids to his parents house for a few days to let me get some things done and to have a small break.  Jon and his family were also there and all the kids had a blast!  I joined then after a few days and Rick headed back home while the kids and I headed to Nashville.  We went to the Treehouses exhibit in Cheekwood, Radnor Lake, the movies, and to a birthday party for Aubrey with Betty, Caron, Kyle, and Molly Cate.  We also caught up with Jill and her girls.  The little 2 were ready to head home to see Daddy while Davis stayed back for a week of Camp Nana.  A huge thank you goes to my parents who bought me a shiny red Kitchen Aid Mixer!!  What a nice surprise!  Happy Summer, everyone!!


Aubrey and Ava

Silly girls!

The girls were determined to ride together!


Davis & Isaac's noodle wars!

Aunt Janice was gracious enough to invite us over for a fabulous dinner one night!

Everyone was full and relaxed after such a great dinner.


Art time!

We went to the park on a not quite so hot morning.

Aubrey and Nana enjoying some Nook/Kindle time together.

She loves to be outside, even if it's 100 degrees out!

This is what happens when your little sister dresses you!  We love the hat, Davis!

Nana bought Davis this 900+ piece lego set to keep him occupied but in true Davis fashion, it only took him a couple of hours!

My favorite part of the trip!  Thank you so much, Nana & Pa!  I can't wait to make something yummy for you with it!!

Realxing with Nana and a book.

Radnor Lake

Nana with Andrew and Aubrey at Radnor Lake.

Some nice man offered to take our picture.  I think he did a good job!

It was super hot at the treehouses!

Molly Cate and Aubrey off to see the first treehouse together.

Aubrey sliding.

Nana and Davis taking a break.

In one of the treehouses.  Andrew is making "soup."

Andrew climbing to the 2nd floor.

Aubrey's turn!

Back to that soup Andrew was making.  Turns out it was "baby soup."  Yeah, I don't think he's quite ready for parenthood just yet, or even baby-sitting!

Molly Cate and Aubrey waiting for their turn to swing.

Andrew balancing while waiting.


Walking down the path to see the giant shell.

Playing in the sand.  This might have been their favorite one because it reminded them of the beach.

Andrew resting on the inside of the shell.  It took a LOT to get him up!

Aubrey at the top of the shell.

Snack time with Betty & Nana.

This became our photo booth.  Really, they were just tired of walking.

Be impressed, Aubrey took this!

Aubrey and Molly Cate inside a fish made entirely of CD's.  It got me and Caron thinking...

Andrew & Davis inside the giant rubber band treehouse.

They all yelled. "I'm king of the world!"

Sliding down the big slide!

Andrew was thrilled there was a crocodile at the pirate treehouse!

Andrew holding the pirate flag.

Aubrey and Olivia (Jill's daughter).

Aubrey & Olivia being silly while Emily tried to play the Wii.

The way 10 year olds have a playdate.

Checking out Emily's dog.

Ava, Caroline, Jon, & Isaac

Sweet cousins!  Thanks, Uncle Jon, for taking these next few pictures of our children having fun together.


Notice there are a few more animals added each time.


Adding Andrew and all of his animals this time.

Ava and Andrew

My sweet girl!

Andrew with all the bears.

Molly Cate helping Aubrey open her birthday presents.

Davis and Andrew chilling out.

Molly Cate and Aubrey doing some art.

Betty helping Aubrey open her cool box with keys so her brothers can't get in her stuff!

Aubrey loved her box!

Yummy strawberry cupcakes made by Caron!

Molly Cate hanging out with Davis.

Molly Cate liked her cupcake, too.

Sweet girls playing together.

Watching Davis play Angry Birds.

Back to the presents.

Earlier in the day we went to the pool with Molly Cate.

Davis liked the kiddie pool just as much as the little ones did.

The girls having a snack.

Molly Cate swimming with Davis.

The girls had so much fun together!

The kiddie pool!

After the little ones and I went back to SC, Davis was able to stay an extra week for Camp Nana.  A special thanks to Betty, Caron, & Kyle for letting Davis tag along with them for the pool and a 4th of July parade.

Ready to march in the parade!

Marching off with Kyle & Molly Cate.

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