Monday, July 9, 2012

4th of July 2012 Bike Parade

This year, Davis was in TN during the 4th of July bike parade.  He usually races our neighbor, Kaitlyn, but she had to go all by herself.  Aubrey took Davis' spot and rode really well all around the neighborhood.  Andrew chose to run along beside her.  He lasted a good while but it was hot so he eventually gave out.  There were cupcakes and Capri Suns at the end so everyone was happy!

Before the ride.  It was already hot!

The starting line.  She's front and center!

Ready to ride.  I think she might have been the smallest rider.  Everyone else her age rode in wagons.

Aubrey's good friend, Skylar.  She starts Kindergarten this year.

...and she's off!

All done and enjoying her cupcake!

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