Monday, July 9, 2012

Aubrey's 4th Birthday Party!

It is hard to believe our sweet baby girl will be 4 tomorrow!  Time flies when you have children!  After last year's enormous party, we decided to keep things smaller this year.  There was an even number of children so everyone had a friend and played quietly.  Our theme was pink and purple and everyone helped with something.  All of us decorated the dining room, Aubrey helped make her cake, the boys iced the cupcakes, and Davis helped Rick blow up balloons.  We had a princess castle cake, Pinkalicous cupcakes, fruit in ice cream cones, and pretzels dipped in chocolate with sprinkles.  The party was a huge success!

Making her cake.

The boys decorating the cupcakes.  They did a fantastic job!

The cake!

Pinkalicious Cupcakes!  Iced with pink icing and dipped in pink sugar crystals. 

The dining room. 

The food.


Aubrey helped me make this crown for the front door.

Balloon flowers Rick and Davis made.

Aubrey with Colton.

Aubrey's best friend, Madeline, was our entertainment.  This is Madeline from the front...

...and from the back!  She was hilarious!

Mommy and her sweet birthday girl!

Ready for us to sing to her!

Such a serious face!

"Happy Birthday to Aubrey..."


Blowing out her candles.

Cake time!

She sure enjoyed her cake!  Especially the icing!

Even the boys liked the pink and purple cake!

Tyra feeding Colton a bite.

Hannah gave Aubrey this princess hat and she loves it!

We love Hannah!  She just got married and moved away to Bowling Green, KY.

Nana and Hannah.

Baby Cora needed her Daddy's drink!  She's Colton's baby sister.

Time to open presents!

The boys all watched from upstairs.

The girls preferred to sit a little closer.

LOTS of pink, sparkly stuff!

She especially loved this tutu Ms. Annette gave her!

Aubrey and Madeline in their tutus.

I wonder what they're laughing about.  Maybe I don't want to know!

Quietly painting after the party.

Resting with Ms. Nikki under the blanket Ms. Nikki made for her.

Avery and Davis were worn out! 

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