Friday, July 20, 2012

Summer Fun!

It's hard to believe it's already the end of July and we only have about 4 1/2 weeks left of summer vacation.  It's been a great summer so far and we're hoping to squeeze in a little more fun before school starts!  This past week was a fun one!  There was Davis on Skype with Isaac, National Ice Cream Day, and a trip to Edventure with our neighbors/friends, Jan, Hannah, & Seth. 

Isaac and Davis chatting on Skype.  We have no idea what they talked about since Davis banned us from coming in the room.  I heard a lot of laughter, though!

Andrew and Aubrey enjoyed cotton candy ice cream on National Ice Cream Day.

Aubrey and Hannah "milking the cow."

Jan, Aubrey, & Hannah gathering eggs.

Davis and Seth to the rescue!  Davis is standing in the back and Seth is driving.

Aubrey climbing through the tunnel at the fire station.

A scary glimpse into our future.  It's not really all that far away, if you think about it.

Aubrey and Hannah driving the bulldozer.

Aubrey watching Seth use the jackhammer.

Jan & Hannah.

Trying to catch all 3 playing is nearly impossible, which is why this is so blurry!

Andrew & Seth's turn to drive the bulldozer.

Forewoman Aubrey.

Cashier Aubrey, scanning her groceries.

This was a cool new exhibit that based your age on your lifestyle.  Apparently, Davis is 23!  Hahaha!

Of course this would be Andrew's favorite part- a human body skeleton!

Andrew the dentist.  He just needs a little improvement in his bedside manner.

At the vet.

Aubrey taking care of her puppy.

Andrew taking an x-ray of his puppy.

Aubrey & Jan using their fishing nets.

Andrew & Aubrey reporting the weather.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Aubrey's best friend, Madeline, came over after VBS today.  We took her to the pool & the playground (since it was actually nice outside) and then she came home with us.  The two girls took a bath together and it  took me nearly 45 minutes to convince them to get out!  Such funny girls but such good friends!

Waiting for lunch.

They held hands everywhere they went, even in the pool!

Bath time!  We'll have to save this one for teenage years!

Sweet friends!  Watching Tangled and having a snack!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Happy Birthday to Pa!

While Nana & Pa were here, we celebrated Pa's birthday also, which is July 15.  My new mixer definitely got broken in this weekend with a white cake and cupcakes for Aubrey and a chocolate cake with chocolate icing for Pa!  Happy Birthday, Pa!

Singing to Pa.

Blowing out his candles.

Presents from Grandma

Presents from Grandma and Grandpa arrived today since they couldn't be here for Aubrey's party.  There were several Hello Kitty items and a beautiful fan they brought back from Korea.  Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa.  Oh, and Andrew was thrilled you found his tiger shark and mailed it to him.  Davis says thank you for finding his Sunday shoes and mailing it to him (although I think he wasn't quite as thrilled as the other two!).

Opening the first gift.

She loves the beautiful fan!

Hello Kitty!  Her favorite!!

Aubrey's 4th Birthday Party!

It is hard to believe our sweet baby girl will be 4 tomorrow!  Time flies when you have children!  After last year's enormous party, we decided to keep things smaller this year.  There was an even number of children so everyone had a friend and played quietly.  Our theme was pink and purple and everyone helped with something.  All of us decorated the dining room, Aubrey helped make her cake, the boys iced the cupcakes, and Davis helped Rick blow up balloons.  We had a princess castle cake, Pinkalicous cupcakes, fruit in ice cream cones, and pretzels dipped in chocolate with sprinkles.  The party was a huge success!

Making her cake.

The boys decorating the cupcakes.  They did a fantastic job!

The cake!

Pinkalicious Cupcakes!  Iced with pink icing and dipped in pink sugar crystals. 

The dining room. 

The food.


Aubrey helped me make this crown for the front door.

Balloon flowers Rick and Davis made.

Aubrey with Colton.

Aubrey's best friend, Madeline, was our entertainment.  This is Madeline from the front...

...and from the back!  She was hilarious!

Mommy and her sweet birthday girl!

Ready for us to sing to her!

Such a serious face!

"Happy Birthday to Aubrey..."


Blowing out her candles.

Cake time!

She sure enjoyed her cake!  Especially the icing!

Even the boys liked the pink and purple cake!

Tyra feeding Colton a bite.

Hannah gave Aubrey this princess hat and she loves it!

We love Hannah!  She just got married and moved away to Bowling Green, KY.

Nana and Hannah.

Baby Cora needed her Daddy's drink!  She's Colton's baby sister.

Time to open presents!

The boys all watched from upstairs.

The girls preferred to sit a little closer.

LOTS of pink, sparkly stuff!

She especially loved this tutu Ms. Annette gave her!

Aubrey and Madeline in their tutus.

I wonder what they're laughing about.  Maybe I don't want to know!

Quietly painting after the party.

Resting with Ms. Nikki under the blanket Ms. Nikki made for her.

Avery and Davis were worn out!