Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

This was one of our best Christmases ever!!  Both sets of grandparents were able to be here, along with Rick's brother, Jon and his family.  This is only the second time we've celebrated Christmas with them since having children.  Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed being together, especially Davis and Isaac.  They are sharing a room and often play their DS games or build legos side by side without saying a word.  Our house will seem so empty when they all leave tomorrow and we hope they all plan to come back next year!

Grandpa & Pa chatting it up.

Grandma hemming Davis' pants.

Andrew, Aubrey, & Nana playing.

Aubrey having a snack and chatting with Grandma.

Rick, Jon, & Dick.

Aunt Caroline & Nana

Mommy's little helper.

Making beignets...

...wouldn't be Christmas Eve without them.

Nana, Davis, & Isaac enjoying their beignets.

Ava, Caroline, Andrew, & Aubrey

They are allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve.

Happy Davis!

Andrew loved his sketcher projector.

Grandpa & Daddy taking all those little pesky plastic ties out.

Ava opening her present from us, she got the same thing Andrew did.

Issac opening his.

Andrew & Ava playing with their projectors.

Davis with the lego ship he built.

Putting out food for reindeer.

Everybody helping.

Counting out the carrots for the reindeer.

Cookies & milk for Santa.

Christmas morning in their pjs from Santa.

Time to open more presents.

Happy Davis again!

Aubrey closing her eyes while waiting her big present...

...a new bike!

It looks like she loves it!

Ava showing Aubrey & Andrew how to do origami.

DS time with Davis & Ava.

Aubrey listening to Uncle Jon play the piano.

Funny Andrew!

Getting ready to open presents.

Caroline & Ava.

Caroline & Grandma.

Nana laughing because I gave her cooling racks & measuring cups since she doesn't have any whenever I come to visit and bake!


Dessert table!

Kids table.

Grown-up table (thank you, Davis).

Rick's family.

Leslie's family.

Davis & Isaac battling.

Aubrey on her new bike.

Day after Christmas lunch at Bellacino's.  Pa & Aubrey playing a game.

Andrew & Nana with his new Nook.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Cookie Decorating

We've tried to do something fun everyday this week during break and today we decided to decorate Christmas cookies.  They helped me make the cookies and the icing then I gave them each their own icing to color.  Andrew, in true Christmas spirit, made a bat!  haha!  I love my children!

They love watching the mixer.  It's the little things.

Ready with their cookies!

They have their icing ready- red for Davis, brown for Andrew, & pink for Aubrey.

Working and concentrating hard.

Andrew and his Christmas Bat.

Davis wasted no time eating his.

Aubrey's pink & sprinkly cookies.

Aubrey enjoying her star.

Obviously they were very tasty!