Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lights at the Zoo 2010

Bundled up and ready to go!

Candy Cane lights.

In front of a gorilla light.

Aubrey liked the pink ones.

Because Davis wanted a picture of the jack-in-a-box.

My favorite tree- it's lights blink with the music.

Watching the tree "dance."

More watching.

My tree again! :)

Because Andrew wanted a picture of the crocodile.

In front of the butterfly.

True Davis smile.

Because Aubrey wanted a picture of the pink flamingo.

Davis wanted a picture with Aubrey.

With their "wands."

Aubrey waving hers at the fake snow.

It was the perfect night to go see the Lights at the Zoo! The weather cooperated and stopped raining just as we got there and the temperature was in the 40s (as opposed to last year's upper 20s, low 30s)!

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