Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day 2010

Grandma reading to Aubrey.

Santa was here!

Opening stockings.

Opening presents.

Here it comes...

...the BIG DINOSAUR!!!

Having so much fun!

In the midst of chaos.

Helping open new toys.

How many grandparents does it take?

On Skype with Uncle Jon and Isaac.

Nikki and David.

Tim and Annette.

Our wonderfully crowded table!

Davis took my spot!

The kids table... a giant Mommy! I look enormous at that table!

Our 16th Christmas together.

Nikki & David

With my fabulous friend, Annette, and her extremely yummy eggnog!

David helping Andrew build his train track.

Working on an after-Christmas puzzle.

This was our biggest Christmas Day yet with 14 in our house for brunch! We had both sets of grandparents, the Elston family, and Nikki's boyfriend, David. It was quite a full house and there was so much food! Davis wanted to sit at the big people table so I got booted down to the kids table with Andrew & Aubrey but they made for good entertainment! What a great Christmas!

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