Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

Pa, Grandpa, Grandma, Davis, Nana & Aubrey at Bellacinos.

Coloring with Nana.

Andrew helping Grandma sew.

Grandpa's girl!


Aubrey's ready!

Presents, presents, and more presents!

Andrew stirring the beignet mix.

Aubrey's turn.

My little chefs.

Helping Mommy.

Cutting out shapes.

Davis and the bell cookie cutter.

Aubrey liked the angel.

Andrew liked the snowman.

The finished products! Yum!

Enjoying our yummy dinner!

Powdered sugar is our favorite part!


Presents under the tree...

...more presents under the tree.

Anxiously waiting to open presents!

Aubrey found hers!

Davis was pleased!

Andrew was super excited over his Toy Story 3 Train!

But his favorite present was his dolphin pillow pet from Nana!

Grandpa putting together Aubrey's Diego Rescue Center.

Pa helping Davis put together his Lego watch.

Mommy helping Andrew with his train.

Daddy's turn to help.
Pa & Nana helping with more legos.

Davis putting out milk for Santa.

Cookie plate.

Aubrey putting out cookies.

Putting out carrots for the reindeer.

Have to make sure there's a carrot for each reindeer, including Rudolph!

Oats and 9 carrots.

This Christmas is very exciting to my children because both sets of grandparents are here! Grandma & Grandpa (Kulp) arrived at our house Thursday morning and Nana & Pa (Kaplan) arrived lunchtime today. We enjoyed a Christmas Eve lunch at Bellacinos after Nana & Pa got into town. Then, for dinner the children helped make Christmas-shaped beignets which we all enjoyed. Everyone watched Charlie Brown for a few moments and then it was on to opening presents. Since there were so many presents this year, they were each allowed to open three tonight. After presents were opened and played with, we set out milk and cookies for Santa and carrots and oats for the reindeer. Grandma and Nana read stories and tucked the children into bed. Merry Christmas everyone! May the magic of the season bring you and your family joy.

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