Monday, July 19, 2010

Trip #2 to Nashville (all about Aubrey)

Silly Aubrey on our way to Nashville.

Riding the hippo at the zoo.


Waiting to ride the carousel.

Andrew riding.

Cheesy Aubrey riding.

Using her oven mitts.

Riding the giraffe.

Playing the drums.

Mailing a letter.

Digging in the rocks. She stayed there FOR-EVER!

Checking out "Home Depot."

Grandpa, Daddy, & Pa

Ready for that icing!

Waiting patiently for her cake.

Watching Nana light the cake.

Davis supervising.

Being shy while everybody sang.

Blowing out the candles with Pa.

Caron & Molly Cate

The Johnson Family

Grandpa & Davis

Opening her pink castle from Nana...

...she loved it!!


This summer has flown and it could be because we haven't managed to stay put for very long! After coming home for just one week after the beach, we headed back to Nashville for one last trip of the summer- and too drop Davis off for Camp Nana/Grandma. It was a good trip but I think everyone is tired of being in the car and very happy to be home for a while! While we were there, we visited the Nashville Zoo and the Discovery Center. We also celebrated Aubrey & Pa's birthdays and were able to see family (like sweet Molly Cate). There are lots of pictures of Aubrey but very few of the boys so I apologize in advance for that! It just worked out that she was always where I was while the boys were elsewhere. These pictures were also taken from my phone, which is not as great of a quality as the digital camera, but they're still pretty good!

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