Saturday, July 10, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Aubrey!

The "Party Room"

The other side if the "Party Room."

Yes, I made them.

Goodie Buckets

Inside goodie buckets.

The M&Ms actually say, "Aubrey is two."

The front door all gift-wrapped!

Presents for a Princess!

Balloon on the mailbox.

Other side of the balloon.

Caroline & Michaela

Some of the party guests.

The men- all 4 of them. They stuck together!

Gray, Alex, Shannon, and Hayden

The "big kids," Davis W., Davis, Kestlyn, & Ethan.


Kelly, Patricia, and Kristie

Andrew & Princess Aubrey

Mommy with her little birthday Princess, or as she calls herself, "Pincess."

Alex & Gabriel waiting for cupcakes.

Table for two- Andrew & Faith.

Ethan, Michaela, and Kestlyn

Chrissy, Kristie, Annette, and Morgan

Make a wish!

Blowing out her "2" candle.

Yummy cupcake!

Caroline, Kelly, & Ethan

Andrew & Faith enjoying their cupcakes & ice cream!

Hayden certainly enjoyed his!

Aubrey said, "I pink!" She certainly was!

Opening her first present.

Not sure about all these people watching!

She loved her microphone!

Bracelets that Gray picked out!

"Doe-wa" (Dora) doll!

Princess Doll that you can change her clothes!

Big crowd helping Aubrey!

She LOVED her "Doe-wah packpack!"

Gray being a cool dude!


Kestlyn striking a pose!

It is so hard to believe that our sweet Aubrey Claire is now 2! We held a birthday party at our house today, on her birthday, to celebrate. It was so much fun! All of her favorite people were there (minus family members in TN, but we will celebrate with them next week). She was a true princess and enjoyed every moment and every present! In all, there were 27 people there. It was great!

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