Monday, July 5, 2010

Beach Trip 2010

Our vacations get better each year and this was no exception! We went to St. Augustine, FL for a whole week and it couldn't have gone better! All three children loved the beach! Davis and Andrew loved the waves and Aubrey enjoyed buuilding sand castles. The weather was perfect for most of the trip, raining just a few times. We visited a lighthouse which everyone loved! The only downside to that visit was Andrew was too short to climb up and they don't allow parents to carry their children. Andrew cried a long time about this so hopefully in a few years, we can go back. Rick and Davis climbed first, then Davis went back with me. The view was great but I could definitely understand why small children aren't allowed to climb or have their parents carry them! The next place we visited was the Fort. It was so hot & sticky but the soldiers there were great and Andrew was fascinated by the prison! When we got to the top, the weather was much nicer! The true highlight of our trip was a visit to the Alligator Farm. Andrew has developed a new fascination with alligators so we surprised him with this one! He loved it! Everybody did! We even got to feed some alligators. We also enjoyed a fun playground every night near historic downtown and had lots of yummy ice cream! It was a wonderful vacation!

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