Monday, July 27, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday, Aubrey Claire!

We had the friend party before the schoolyear ended and now we've had the day of birthday party with a few more friends.  We were so excited that my best friend from Nashville, Jill, and her daughters, were able to come visit.  We had a total of 21 people in our house to celebrate.  It was awesome!!!

A little pool time with friends.

Lunch with Joshua.

Beautiful Emily!

Olivia waited patiently all morning to help decorate the cupcakes.

Emily did, too.

Serious business!

Alex, Patrick, and the birthday girl.

Joshua, Olivia, Andrew, & Gray

Adult table!

Giving Patrick and the Minions a ride.

Being silly with Annie.

Precious Adeline!

Erin with Baby Andrew, I think she needs another baby!

Our sweet family of 5.

Make a wish, baby girl!

Joshua has my heart!

Adeline enjoying her cupcake.

Aubrey loved hers!

Game time.

Silly Annie.

Love Annie's expression!

Fred is so thankful for a boy after 2 girls!

These two!

Thankful for a friendship that has lasted over 20 years!

Aubrey and Alex

Big boys watching.  They stand in this spot every year.

Aubrey & Olivia didn't want to say goodbye.

Best group of friends a girl could ask for!
Erin, Kristie, Emily, & Jill.

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