Monday, July 27, 2015

Camp time!

Our kids love a good camp.  This year, we hit church camp, fishing camp, cheerleading camp, and Lego camp.  They all loved each and every one.  At the moment, Davis is attending Marching Band Camp at the high school and he absolutely loves it!  Mommy loves camps, too!  ;)

My handsome camper at church camp (that's not sweat, they had been swimming in a lake).

Love this picture, too.

Fishing camp for Andrew and Aubrey (she's on the top row, 2nd from the left.  He's on the bottom row, 2nd from the left).

Cheerleading camp with Delanie & Annika

Abbie was trying to photo bomb!

Her BFF, Mia, was chosen as mascot.

Front and center!


The 7 year olds.

What you do while your siblings are at camp.

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