Monday, July 27, 2015

Daytona Beach

This family loves a beach trip.  Last year while at St. Augustine, we visited Daytona Beach for a day and our kids fell in love, so that's where we ended up this year.  We had a blast!  From food trucks to pizza bigger than our table to visiting relatives to Minion popsicles, this has to be one of our best beach trips yet!

Beautiful sunset!

Toes in the sand.

Andrew discovered his love for shrimp.

Waiting for our food...

...and being silly.

Chocolate factory, it's a tradition!

Sand castle time!

They take it seriously!


Need more water.

Rick is the moat creator.

Working hard.


Checking out her masterpiece.

Davis loved Uncle Bill and Aunt Martha's dog, and he wasn't even allergic to her!

Uncle Bill and Andrew having an in depth conversation about fishing.

Game time.

Aubrey adored hanging out with her cousin, Lainey.

Aunt Martha.  We've shared some great laughs over the years.

Almost everyone (Uncle Bill took the picture).

A ride we definitely wouldn't ride... way!

My handsome men in blue.

Love this!

& this!

Writing her name in the sand.

Finished product.

I love this tradition of them in the water at sunset.

Celebrating National Ice Cream Day...

...all 5 of us!

Meet Wings, the enormous dragonfly that seemed to love hanging out on Aubrey's chair.

Riding the waves.

Boogie boarding is her favorite thing to do at the beach.

Best burgers ever at The Lucky Rooster.

Sitting on our balcony.

Minion popsicles, her second favorite thing at the beach.

Sunshine, my Nook, and a diet coke- don't really need more than that!

Pizza dough on his head, don't ask.

Playing with dough.

Dough 'stache.

More dough.

Check out the size of this pizza!

It was HUGE!

Enjoying his enormous slice.

Rick was the only one who could pick up the whole thing.

Until next time...

Camp time!

Our kids love a good camp.  This year, we hit church camp, fishing camp, cheerleading camp, and Lego camp.  They all loved each and every one.  At the moment, Davis is attending Marching Band Camp at the high school and he absolutely loves it!  Mommy loves camps, too!  ;)

My handsome camper at church camp (that's not sweat, they had been swimming in a lake).

Love this picture, too.

Fishing camp for Andrew and Aubrey (she's on the top row, 2nd from the left.  He's on the bottom row, 2nd from the left).

Cheerleading camp with Delanie & Annika

Abbie was trying to photo bomb!

Her BFF, Mia, was chosen as mascot.

Front and center!


The 7 year olds.

What you do while your siblings are at camp.