Monday, June 15, 2015

First grade celebration

It is so hard for me to believe that my baby girl will be a second grader in the fall.  Time goes by way too fast.  We've have been blessed two times over to have the best second grade teacher ever, Mrs. Rings.  Both Andrew and Aubrey have learned so much and grown an amazing amount under her teaching.  We were so excited to be able to have Nana join us for Aubrey's celebration.  We are going to miss the red hall!

Reading her published book to Nana.

So happy to have Nana there!

Three generations!

We are so going to miss Mrs. Rings!

Checking out  all her writing from the year.

Sharing with Nana.

Her BFF, Mia.

Stacey, Campbell, Aubrey, & Mia.

They can't be separated!!!

So proud of my girl!

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