Monday, June 15, 2015

Dance recital time!

This is our third year at Dance Dept and Aubrey loves it now more than ever!  This year she took a tap/jazz combo class (she loved the jazz, the tap not so much) and ballet, her favorite!  When you take ballet, you get to be in a separate show later in the day.  This year the ballet was Mary Poppins and Aubrey's class was the baby penguins.  They absolutely stole the show.  They were the cutest things you ever saw, there was a collective, "Awww" as they came on stage.  Love my tiny dancer!  Next year, she will continue with ballet and also take hip hop.  We'll see...

So glad Nana & Pa could join us!

Love my sweet girl!


She is just too cute!

She definitely has her daddy wrapped around her little finger!

Supportive brothers.

My family!

Dance bro's!

Prezlee came to watch Delanie, Aubrey, and Annika dance.

Mia, our inspiration to take hip hop next year.

Madison, who will be taking ballet with Aubrey in the fall.

Addie was a kite.

We love Ms. Hannah!

Cutest little penguns ever!!!!

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