Monday, June 15, 2015


For as long as I can remember, I have ALWAYS wanted to go to New York.  Every movie, T.V. show, the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade... watching all of these made me want to go in the worst way.  I am a city girl all the way!  My fabulous husband surprised me for my 40th birthday with a trip to New York for several days.  I was soooo excited!  Davis went to church camp and the two littles headed to Camp Nana/Grandma for a week.  Our trip was amazing, everything I wanted it to be and more.  We walked and ate and walked and ate and walked...  We saw everything we both wanted to see, including an amazing Broadway Show of Jersey Boys.  Thank you so much, Rick!  And thank you Nana, Pa, Grandma, & Grandpa!  What a great way to start off my 40's!

On the plane, waiting to go!

Gorgeous view from our hotel.

Walking away from our hotel.

So many tall buildings!

Amusement park inside Central Park where we know Aubrey would want to spend all of her time.

Famous hotel that the name escapes me at the moment.

Lots of people!

A picture of the Apple Store taken with my Samsung Galaxy.  Ha!

FAO Shwartz

Andrew would have LOVED this!

I took this for Aubrey's BFF, Mia, because she is obsessed with giraffes.  This one is only $945.

Was kind of hoping to see The Donald.

Radio City Music Hall

Discount tickets for Broadway Shows

The lines were long, but moved fast, as we soon discovered.

Times Square

Our extremely bright colored hallway of our hotel.

My favorite store, the M&M Store.

My happy place!

Blue M&M Elvis!

Ferris Wheel inside Toys 'R Us

Jurassic World

My Hulk-y husband

Lego Statue of Liberty

Very cool Empire State Building with King Kong, all made of Legos.

ABC Studios


Empire State Building (we didn't go up)

Our line for Broadway tickets

So many people!

It moved fast & was well worth it.  We got our tickets for 50% off!

Date night on Broadway!

There are no words to describe how good it was!

Times Square at night

More Times Square at night

Even more Times Square

Matt Lauer!

Natalie Morales!


Waiting on subway

Staten Island

View of Ellis Island

The weather was perfect!

One of Rick's favorite parts of the trip, Wall St.

Beautiful church at the end of the street.

New York Stock Exchange

Beautiful church up close

World Trade Center

North Pool where the North Tower was.

South Pool where the South Tower stood.

My husband, the GPS King.

Bull of Wall St.

Gorgeous view from a ballpark.

Passing the other Staten Island Ferry

Views from the ferry...


 ...more views!

We were all a little obsessed with the Statue of Liberty.

She is quite impressive.

Riding the ferry

Coming back in to the city.

 Rick captured this view

The Cake Boss!  I LOVE this show!  I ate a delicious cupcake and learned a few decorating tips while I watched a baker.