Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

I realized today that I did not get one single picture of our family for Easter.  Not one.  The boys are big and don't care to look cute, not even for me.  Davis was too busy off with his friends and Andrew was too cool to hunt eggs, I was holding a sweet, new baby, so that just left Aubrey/  Thankfully, my great friend, Tyra, took a few shots for me.  Despite my children getting too big for my liking, we had a wonderful Easter and Spring Break. One more day off tomorrow and then it's back to school and work for everyone on Tuesday. Happy Easter!

At least one of my children still likes to dress up!

So sweet!

Being a good momma and keeping Baby Andrew Gore shielded from the Sun.  Yes, that is a real baby.

He did look cute for me, even though he wouldn't let me get him anything new.

Deep in conversation with Colton.

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