Saturday, April 4, 2015

Field Day 2015

Last year, Aubrey missed her very first Field Day due to the stomach bug, so she was determined not to miss this year!  It poured down rain all day but our amazing P.E. teachers managed to pull off an indoor Field Day and it didn't disappoint!  She and Andrew loved it!  I love Field Day every year!  This year I handed out popsicles.  As one teacher put it, it was kind of nice to be indoors so no bees could attack the popsicles!

They obviously had practiced putting these together during P.E.

Aubrey crawling through.  The object was to build it and crawl through it without knocking it down, easier said than done!

Crazy game where they had to race with a ball between their backs.

Andrew's turn.

Popsicle time!

With Aubrey and her BFF, Mia.

My sweet girl!

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