Thursday, June 5, 2014

Kindergarten graduation

It seems like just yesterday that Aubrey was this small.  
Today she graduated from Kindergarten.  Where did the time go?  We will certainly miss her amazing teacher and assistant, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Sample.  We've been with them for two years now and they have helped our babies to grow.  Aubrey heads to 1st grade reading on an end of 1st grade level, a great writer, a sweet  friend, and a well rounded student.  We couldn't be more proud of our sweet girl.

Walking in.

There are benefits to being the shortest one, she was on the front row and easy to spot.

The entire River Springs Kindergarten.

Singing.  She practiced everywhere we went. I mean EVERYWHERE!

My soon to be 1st grader.

Proud Daddy!

Receiving her award for growing and changing so much.

Doing a little reading.

We love Mrs. Sample!

Most amazing Kindergarten team anywhere!

We've made some really great friends!  This is Aubrey's best friend, Lyla Kate, and her mommy, Millie.

The Fab Four:  Prezlee, Jill, Lyla Kate, and Aubrey.

There are no words for how precious this is.

Swim party to celebrate.

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