Thursday, June 5, 2014

Andrew's book and celebration

Have I mentioned that I love our elementary school?  The first graders all wrote books and the teachers had the books published.  Andrew's was so good!  I am certain he would read it to you if you asked.  I thought I was going to be okay and not get all weepy at his celebration, but I opened his book to the very first page and, well, you'll see.  This boy has my heart!!!  His 1st grade year has been nothing short of amazing.  His teacher has been fabulous and Andrew is heading into second grade reading on a 4th grade level.  We couldn't be prouder of him!!!

Andrew and his book.

"Click, Clack, Hiya!"  based on the children's book, "Click, Clack, Moo."

Oh my!  I was completely taken off guard by this.  It still tears me up!

My sweet Andrew.

We love Mrs. Rings!!!

Celebrating with school mascot, Navi.  Andrew is slightly hidden.  He's on the other side of his teacher, behind the girl with the pigtails.

Andrew's amazing teacher and her wonderful 1st graders.  Andrew is being hugged by his very precious friend, Logan.

Enjoying cake pops!

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