Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Birthday, Rick!

I love birthdays!  I love birthdays that aren't even mine.  I love birthdays that fall on holidays, which seem to happen quite a bit in my family.  The boys' birthdays usually fall during parent/teacher conferences & they're out of school, mine sometimes falls on Mother's Day (2 separate holidays, though, so 2 celebrations  :)), and Rick's sometimes falls on Labor Day, like today.  He is an amazing man in many ways and he proved it by getting up on his day off birthday and running 6 miles.  6 miles!!!  Then he came home to pancakes and children fighting over Legos.  Ha!  We did go to Outback for dinner where they did their birthday rap and back home for homemade chocolate cake.  Happy 46th, Rick, we love you!

I love this man!  Davis took this.  I love almost all the pictures he takes of us.

Outback dessert.  I think this is about the only bite he got before our children set in like vultures.

Thank goodness there was chocolate cake at home.

Singing "Happy Birthday" to Daddy.

May 46 be your best year ever!

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