Saturday, September 21, 2013

Early Release Day trip to the zoo

Wednesday was Aubrey's first Early Release Day of elementary school and our first year without Davis.  We took Andrew's friend, George, with us and met up with a few friends.  George and Andrew were precious!!  The weather could not have been more beautiful and Aubrey was just fine hanging out with boys.  I promised next time she could bring a friend.

Aubrey, Gray, Alex (behind Gray), Andrew, & George.  The other 2 girls were friends of Alex and I can't remember their names!  :)

These three stuck together like glue the entire time.

Aubrey's favorite part of the aquarium.

Check out Aubrey. She was mad because she wanted to sit on the lion but Andrew got there first.

A much happier Aubrey with George.

George and Andrew are both big snake fans!

Such a sweet picture.

Icee time!!!!

They are all just too cute!

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