Saturday, May 18, 2013

Davis becomes a 2nd degree black belt!

In January of 2012 Davis received his black belt and we are so proud he has decided to stick with karate and continue his journey.  Today he received his 2nd degree black belt.  What makes us even more proud is the fact that he was so sick.  He actually missed half of Thursday and all of yesterday in school but he was determined to go today.  His instructor said Davis never once mentioned feeling bad or needing to rest!  What a huge deal!!!  We couldn't be more proud of our sweet Davis.  You rock, buddy!!!!

Aubrey ready to cheer her big brother on!

Andrew was, too! Don't worry, they didn't go in their pjs!

Davis giving Aubrey a few pointers...

...then she & Andrew were ready!

Everybody say, "AIYAH!!!"

Let's do this!

Here we go!

One of the perks of testing for a 2nd degree- getting to hold the bag for a 1st degree.

All done and saying their creed.

Tough guys in their new uniforms:  Emory, Davis, and Parker.

New belts and certificates.

Receiving his new belt from Master Zach.

The new 2nd degree and 1st degree black belts.

The Three Musketeers with their new belts.

So proud of my sweet boy!

Such a handsome 2nd degree, don't you think?

Daddy's super proud, too.  Not sure what that face is, though.

These moms are like family to me:  Renee with Emory and Melissa with Parker.  We all have the Davis name in common, Renee's maiden name is Davis and Melissa's last name is Davis.

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