Friday, November 30, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We love Thanksgiving!  Our children look forward to traveling to TN every year for "Nana's Big Feast."  This year, I surprised Aubrey on Monday morning after the boys left for school, and we headed to Nana's a day ahead of the boys.  She was thrilled!  We were able to spend some time with Nana & Pa and we also headed to story hour and lunch with Caron and Molly Cate.  The boys arrived Tuesday night and on Wednesday, we headed over to see Jill, Emily, and Olivia.  Of course, everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving Day (thank you to Dick & Faye for always coming so we don't have to do Thanksgiving twice) and on Friday, my fabulous husband took all 3 children to Tullahoma for the day to give Mommy a day off!  Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, we certainly did!

Aubrey & Molly Cate with the turkeys they made during story hour.

The girls hanging out in front of giant tree.


Rick channeling his younger self and jumping on the trampoline with Aubrey.

Andrew wanted to jump all by himself so the others nicely agreed to lay down for a few minutes while he jumped.

Aubrey & Olivia

Time to cook!

Davis helping Nana.

Baking together!

Just making sure it was okay for everyone else to eat!


Aubrey decided she needed to take our picture with Mr. Cuddles.

Daddy's girl!

Betty & Nana with the giant turkey (and a retreating Molly Cate).


Davis & Betty

Puzzle time with Caron.

I love it when they work nicely together!

Time to eat!

Silly cousins!

Working off the big feast!

Aubrey helping out Molly Cate.

Obviously she didn't need any help!  There they go!

They were fast!

I love these three!!


Playing in Nana's leaves.

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