Friday, November 30, 2012

Rodeo Day in Kindergarten

Andrew has the most fabulous Kindergarten teacher!  She does such fun stuff!  All week long, they have been having Rodeo Week in Andrew's class.  They made stick horses, designed their own brands, and learned all about cowboys.  Today was Rodeo Day.  The students were all dressed in jeans, bandannas, and  cowboy hats.  They ran races with their stick horses, dug for "gold," ate beans from a tin can, "branded" their cattle, and generally had a great time!  Here's hoping Aubrey gets Mrs. Cook next year!

Lining up to listen to instructions.  The big kids are their book buddies, a 4th grade class who comes to read with them every week.  Andrew is the 3rd Kindergartner from the right with his head bent down.

Seeing how much his "gold" weighed.

Writing down that it weighed 2 bear counters.

My little cowboy.

Getting ready to race.

Riding his stick horse.

"Branding" his cow.  His brand was an "A" with wings.

Me & my cowboy.

Listening to Mr. Bates play "Home on the Range" on the harmonica.

Such a fun morning!

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