Friday, November 30, 2012

Rodeo Day in Kindergarten

Andrew has the most fabulous Kindergarten teacher!  She does such fun stuff!  All week long, they have been having Rodeo Week in Andrew's class.  They made stick horses, designed their own brands, and learned all about cowboys.  Today was Rodeo Day.  The students were all dressed in jeans, bandannas, and  cowboy hats.  They ran races with their stick horses, dug for "gold," ate beans from a tin can, "branded" their cattle, and generally had a great time!  Here's hoping Aubrey gets Mrs. Cook next year!

Lining up to listen to instructions.  The big kids are their book buddies, a 4th grade class who comes to read with them every week.  Andrew is the 3rd Kindergartner from the right with his head bent down.

Seeing how much his "gold" weighed.

Writing down that it weighed 2 bear counters.

My little cowboy.

Getting ready to race.

Riding his stick horse.

"Branding" his cow.  His brand was an "A" with wings.

Me & my cowboy.

Listening to Mr. Bates play "Home on the Range" on the harmonica.

Such a fun morning!

Thanksgiving 2012

We love Thanksgiving!  Our children look forward to traveling to TN every year for "Nana's Big Feast."  This year, I surprised Aubrey on Monday morning after the boys left for school, and we headed to Nana's a day ahead of the boys.  She was thrilled!  We were able to spend some time with Nana & Pa and we also headed to story hour and lunch with Caron and Molly Cate.  The boys arrived Tuesday night and on Wednesday, we headed over to see Jill, Emily, and Olivia.  Of course, everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving Day (thank you to Dick & Faye for always coming so we don't have to do Thanksgiving twice) and on Friday, my fabulous husband took all 3 children to Tullahoma for the day to give Mommy a day off!  Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, we certainly did!

Aubrey & Molly Cate with the turkeys they made during story hour.

The girls hanging out in front of giant tree.


Rick channeling his younger self and jumping on the trampoline with Aubrey.

Andrew wanted to jump all by himself so the others nicely agreed to lay down for a few minutes while he jumped.

Aubrey & Olivia

Time to cook!

Davis helping Nana.

Baking together!

Just making sure it was okay for everyone else to eat!


Aubrey decided she needed to take our picture with Mr. Cuddles.

Daddy's girl!

Betty & Nana with the giant turkey (and a retreating Molly Cate).


Davis & Betty

Puzzle time with Caron.

I love it when they work nicely together!

Time to eat!

Silly cousins!

Working off the big feast!

Aubrey helping out Molly Cate.

Obviously she didn't need any help!  There they go!

They were fast!

I love these three!!


Playing in Nana's leaves.

Aubrey's dance class

Every few months, parents are invited to come watch their child's dance class at the Dance Department.  Davis was busy giving a black belt exam but Rick and I took (a very unwilling but well behaved) Andrew to watch Aubrey do ballet and tap.  She has been loving it there since she started back in September and she was very good!  She didn't even shy-up like she's done in the past!  Way to go, my little ballerina!

Mommy's little ballerina.


She concentrated so hard!

She loves her dance class!

We were impressed with how well she did.

This was her favorite dance, she does it all the time at home!

Her little class was so cute!

Having fun!

She was dancing across but that's hard to capture.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blog issues

Hello everyone.  At the moment, Blogger is giving me trouble and not allowing me to upload anymore pictures.  It says I have exceeded my limit but it won't let me purchase anymore storage space, either.  I'm looking into a new site and as soon as I know something, I will let everyone here know.  It's all very frustrating!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall Decorating

Halloween is over but this house isn't ready for Christmas just yet, we still love fall and Thanksgiving.  I didn't seem to have much time to decorate just for Halloween, but I've done some fall decorating and I took some pictures just for Nana, whose favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

Just call me Martha Stewart!  I'm kinda proud of my centerpiece!

I decided to decorate the banister this year with ribbon and orange & purple lights.

Aubrey helped me decorate the mantel.