Friday, August 5, 2011

More from the beach!

 Sitting in her beach chair in the ocean.

 Fun playground in St. Augustine.

 Everybody ride the dino!

 Chocolate factory!  Aubrey had a lollipop, Andrew had a chocolate shark, and Davis had chocolate golf balls.

 Proud of his bridge!

 Building his bridge.

 Andrew in front of the train.

 Checking out the wheels.

 Rick and Aubrey

 Mommy & Andrew peeking out.

 Old fashioned soda fountain booth.

 Andrew was in awe of this giant sloth skeleton.

 My future doctor checking out the skeleton.

 Building a race car.

 Daddy pulling himself & Aubrey up.

 More building...

 ...still more building.

 Checking out a light.

 Throwing a baseball.

 Davis' turn!  It measured the speed of the ball and Davis was actually pretty fast!

 Daddy had to take a turn, too.

 Building a roller coaster.

 Davis testing his strength.

 Biker chic!

 Aubrey's radio show.

 Davis and Aubrey's call in radio show!

 Biker dude.

 "You're on the air with Dr. Andrew..."

 Making pizzas!

 The cashier.

 Taking her pizza out of the oven.

 Davis giving Andrew instructions (he didn't want any help).

 With our waitress!

 Playing the harp.

 Helping Aubrey test her strength.

 Aubrey wanted to play the harp, too.

 Steering the pirate ship.

 Davis pulling Aubrey up.

 Going down!

 Andrew building a bridge.

 Daddy pulling himself up.

 oops! The next 2 somehow got uploaded twice!

I forgot my camera the day we went to the Children's museum in Daytona, so I used my phone instead.  It was a great museum with an old fashioned soda fountain, a train, and an incredible children's area!  There's also a couple of random pictures of the Aubrey in her beach chair in the ocean and all 3 holding their chocolate from the chocolate factory!

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