Thursday, August 4, 2011

Last trip to Nashville for the summer.

 Daddy & Aubrey on the see saw at the Carter's house.

 Aubrey & Carrigan

 Jon Carter & Andrew on the other end.

 Hanging out with the Carter family.

 Looking at the fountain after lunch.

 Sweet girls...

 ...joined by a silly boy!

 Aubrey getting her birthday present from Nana.

 A guitar!!!

 Aubrey has been wanting one forever!

 Daddy showing her how to play it.

 Boys with their legos...

 ...and more legos.

 Caron & Molly Cate gave Aubrey the cutest flamenco costume!

Ready for a fiesta!

 Mommy & her little flamenco dancer.

 Aubrey & Molly Cate

 "Playing" the guitar together.

 The whole  family!

 Davis & Zac having ice cream in their own peaceful room!

 Yummy ice cream!

 Time for some Pie In the Sky!

 They all love to throw the dough!

 Waiting for our pizza.

 Davis and Zac "making" their own pizzas.

Aubrey wanted in on the fun.

For some reason, I can't move this picture but Davis is entertaining Jill's girls and his brother & sister while they eat.
Playing in Carrigan's room, notice Carrigan resting on the floor in the back.
Wrapping up her babies.

In the treehouse.

"Killing" the bees.
They LOVED the see saw!

Blogger is messing up and my pictures are all out of order but we had a great last trip to Nashville!  We made fun family pics with Caron and her family, got to spend lots of time with our good friends, the Carter's and the Cooper's, and we celebrated Pa & Aubrey's birthdays.  Hard to believe summer is drawing to a close and that we won't be back until Thanksgiving.  Thanks, Nana & Pa, for hosting us so many times!  We hope you have a restful few months before we invade you again!

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