Friday, August 5, 2011

More from the beach!

 Sitting in her beach chair in the ocean.

 Fun playground in St. Augustine.

 Everybody ride the dino!

 Chocolate factory!  Aubrey had a lollipop, Andrew had a chocolate shark, and Davis had chocolate golf balls.

 Proud of his bridge!

 Building his bridge.

 Andrew in front of the train.

 Checking out the wheels.

 Rick and Aubrey

 Mommy & Andrew peeking out.

 Old fashioned soda fountain booth.

 Andrew was in awe of this giant sloth skeleton.

 My future doctor checking out the skeleton.

 Building a race car.

 Daddy pulling himself & Aubrey up.

 More building...

 ...still more building.

 Checking out a light.

 Throwing a baseball.

 Davis' turn!  It measured the speed of the ball and Davis was actually pretty fast!

 Daddy had to take a turn, too.

 Building a roller coaster.

 Davis testing his strength.

 Biker chic!

 Aubrey's radio show.

 Davis and Aubrey's call in radio show!

 Biker dude.

 "You're on the air with Dr. Andrew..."

 Making pizzas!

 The cashier.

 Taking her pizza out of the oven.

 Davis giving Andrew instructions (he didn't want any help).

 With our waitress!

 Playing the harp.

 Helping Aubrey test her strength.

 Aubrey wanted to play the harp, too.

 Steering the pirate ship.

 Davis pulling Aubrey up.

 Going down!

 Andrew building a bridge.

 Daddy pulling himself up.

 oops! The next 2 somehow got uploaded twice!

I forgot my camera the day we went to the Children's museum in Daytona, so I used my phone instead.  It was a great museum with an old fashioned soda fountain, a train, and an incredible children's area!  There's also a couple of random pictures of the Aubrey in her beach chair in the ocean and all 3 holding their chocolate from the chocolate factory!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beach trip 2011

 Making footprints

 She loved just running her fingers through the sand.

 Getting up on her boogie board for the first time!

 She loved it!

 My surfer dude!

 Trying to keep up with her big brother.

 My little paleontologist burying his sharks so he could "dig for their bones."

 Brothers with their boogie boards.

 All 3 riding the waves.

 After being at the beach all day, what did that want to do?  Play in the sandbox!

 There was even a putt putt course where we stayed!

 It was so hot but they didn't care!

 Turn your club around, Aubrey!

 Andrew had the same problem but he eventually figured it out.

 We were the top right, the window on the side of the building all the way around to the 2nd window from the right.  It was huge!

 Lighthouse at Ponce De Leon.

 The boys wandering around one of the many buildings.

 They look so small!

 Aubrey stopping on her way up to look out one of the windows.

 Davis & Aubrey at the top.

 Andrew at the top.

 Aubrey was hot & grumpy so she wouldn't look at the camera.

 Davis took this one!

 Andrew & Aubrey checking out how Santa might have come down.

 Sea World!!!

 Manta rays, Andrew's favorite.

 Andrew watching the mantas.

 Touching a sea turtle shell.  This lady could hold her own talking to Andrew about sea creatures, something we don't often find!

 Dolphin show.

 They were so excited!

 Aubrey loved the girl in the pink who was doing ballet in the air.

 The dolphins were amazing!


 More mantas.

 Andrew wanted to touch one but he just got too scared at the last minute.

 Dolphins swimming up close.

 Sea lion & otter show.  The pirates were hilarious!

 Huge walrus!

 Aubrey on the carousel, one of the 2 rides she was tall enough to ride.  She was devastated she couldn't ride the roller coasters.  Just 2 inches too short!

 Tea cups, the other ride she could ride.  Somehow we all 4 fit in this tiny ride.

 Up we go!  That's Davis' head right there.

Davis made us dizzy, he was twirling us so fast!

We went to Palm Coast, FL for our beach trip this year.  It was a whirlwind of a trip!  We saw whales jumping in the ocean, visited a lighthouse (which both Andrew & Aubrey could climb up to the top), a chocolate factory (yum), and Sea World, as well as going to the beach 3 days.  Sea World was a definite favorite, Andrew was in heaven!  It was a hot week but all three children were troopers and never once complained of being hot.  Andrew had a cold, and Aubrey had Swimmer's Ear and they never complained about either of those things!