Sunday, May 2, 2010

Seth's birthday party

Ready to begin

Aubrey was completely unsure and didn't last long!

Andrew doing the moves with everybody else.

Waiting his turn.

Getting ready to kick.

Jumping off the trampoline.

"Tiger Claw" jump!

Davis demonstrating his moves!

Aubrey with Mrs. Jan (Seth's mom).

Break time!

Earned his first stripe!

Davis' good friend, Seth, joined Karate about a month ago and yesterday he his birthday party at the karate studio. Our whole family is good friends with his family so we all went. I think Andrew had the best time of anyone there! He is so seldom allowed on the mat since we are usually just there for Davis' class so yesterday he was super excited! He did all the moves right along with the big kids and even earned his very first stripe! Is he going to be interested? Who knows, but yesterday he had the time of his life!

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