Saturday, May 29, 2010

Preschool Carnival

Aubrey getting a tattoo.


Looking for the ducks with the stars on them.

Andrew playing bean bag toss.


Aubrey showed Andrew how it was done!


Taking a break.

Waiting in line for cotton candy.

Showing off their dinosaur & ladybug tattoos.

Andrew fishing.

Aubrey fishing.

Mrs. Lisa!

Mrs. Kellie!

Wednesday was Andrew's official last day of school for the year and on Thursday his school held their annual carnival. There was bean bag tic tac toe, tattoos (Aubrey LOVED that part), a fishing game, bean bag toss, hula hoops, Popsicles, and cotton candy. It was hard to say who had a better time, Aubrey or Andrew! Andrew could not have had a better year and we are incredibly thankful to be able to have Mrs. Lisa and Mrs. Kellie again next year for Aubrey. Andrew will move to the big side of the school and Aubrey will just be starting in the fall. Mommy will most likely have to break out the tissues!

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