Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year!

So by now I'm sure you've noticed that I've been a little behind in the blog for most of 2014.  I went back to work this year part time as a part instructional assistant, part secretary.  I absolutely love my job, but my days are now much shorter.  Add to that Aubrey's 2 dance classes and 1 gymnastics class, Andrew's gymnastics class, and Davis' tennis lessons, homework, projects, etc... there isn't much time leftover.  I'm hoping 2015 brings a little better time management!  We rang in the new year and two different parties on New Year's Eve and another one on New Year's night, we are blessed to have so many amazing friends.  I hope 2015 is good to all of you.  Happy New Year!

With friends on New Year's night.

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