Tuesday, December 17, 2013


This year we were able to have an extended visit to TN for Thanksgiving.  The weather promised to be bad on the Tuesday before so we actually left on Monday around lunch time.  The best reaction belonged to Davis. When he walked into the office and saw me, his shoulders slumped and he asked me whether he was in trouble or if something was wrong.  When I told him we were leaving for Nana & Pa's a day early, he actually dropped his backpack and started crying, he was so happy.  The weather was a little nasty but much better than the next day.  A huge thank you to Grandma & Grandpa for taking all three of our children for the night on Thanksgiving night (Grandma's birthday) so Rick and I could have a date.  Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Library time!

Peaceful moment of reading with Andrew.  He was reading about his new favorite subject, the Titanic.

I love that he loves to read!  He didn't even want to take his coat off.

Baking the pies with Nana the day before Thanksgiving.

Basting the turkey on Thanksgiving morning.

Opening up Crackers from Betty.


...still waiting.

Yum!  Nana does such an amazing job!

Deep conversations.

More deep conversations with Grandma.

Coloring with Betty...

...we love Betty!

Lights at Opryland Hotel.

They loved it!

Rolling dough with Molly Cate at Pie in the Sky Pizza.

They were too precious!

Sweet cousins.

Older, but still sweet, cousins!  :)

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