Friday, February 15, 2013

Jump Rope for Heart

Today was Jump Rope for Heart for the boys at their school.  Davis was excited and Andrew was nervous. Both did great!  5th grade did a couple of dances while Kindergarten did a "Friday chant."  It  was tons of fun and the school raised a lot of money.  Aubrey was even able to come watch Andrew.

Andrew ready to jump.

There he goes!

Listening to instruction.

He had a blast!

Dancing?  Not sure.

Hula Hoop with Navi the Navigator.

Watching with my sweet girl.

Her sticker reads, "Future Navigator," which makes Mommy sad.

Davis' turn!

Catching air!

He did a great job!

Doing the "Thriller" dance.

More dancing.  Totally impressed he did it!

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